Sunday 24 February 2013

Decorated Wall Plaster

At the end of Week 3, on Day 14, an area of original plaster was uncovered whilst removing the modern gypsum plaster.
It is located on the north wall at the rear of the chapel on the Gallery.
This decoration would have been hand painted, possibly by a member of the chapel.
At some date the decorated wall painting had been over-painted. Possibly it was considered an old fashioned feature and tastes had changed, or it had just become worn out and the painting had started to flake off the wall surface. It was painted over and lost to view.
The last owner had then applied a fresh skim of modern plaster on top of the over-painted wall.

We shall bring in an expert to analyse the paint and seek advise on whether the decoration is able to be conserved. Meanwhile we will also try to gently remove the modern skim of gypsum plaster and see how much of the decoration survives and if there are any more details to uncover.

Painted wall plaster revealed at the Gallery Floor of George Street Chapel.
Detail of the repeating pattern
Alternating square and rectangular patterns
with a stylised finial design above.

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