Saturday 8 November 2014

Remembrance Day

This illuminated manuscript was drawn by Thomas George Fleet in 1916 to celebrate George Street Chapel's centenary year. He died the same year in France fighting in WW1. The manuscript was donated to the chapel and school by his father, John H Fleet.
We remember them.
Remembrance Day.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Video about the Architectural Heritage Fund - Featuring George Street Chapel

On 23rd Feb Lisa Thompson filmed at George Street Chapel for inclusion in a film she was making for the Architectural Heritage Fund to describe the grants administered by them, in particular the specific grants sponsored by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Challenge Fund and English Heritage.
We posted a record of the filming day on our blog on 10th Oct - Filming a Filming - but click on the link here to see the finished video for the AHF.

The Architectural Heritage Fund video